Saturday, March 26, 2011

Natalee and Madisyn

These girlies were so sweet. Sweet little Madisyn was the perfect model. She slept when we needed her to and smiled too! Big sister Natalee was also a little darling...she was such a good listner and she loved her baby sister.

*FAVORITE (below) look at Natalee's face...she ate a yellow jelly bean. SOUR!

Love Love Love the one below. What a angel.

Natalee loves basketball. She is on the BNBA (Baby National Basketball Assosiation) :)

Thank you so much Natasha for letting me spend the day with your sweet girls. You are such a good mom...even with a broken foot! Hope you like your preview. I will see you in a few weeks for family pictures.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

any day now...

Yay! Choo Choo Isaac is almost here! We can't wait to meet him and see that cute face. I'm so excited to hear big sister Grace and big brother Elliott talk about him. Congrats Mike and Katie on your growing family. We love you and miss you all!

This was Christmas day...he's even bigger now! Go Katie...super mommy!