Monday, February 17, 2014

Carsyn Bradley's Birth

 Well baby Carsyn surprised me with a quick delivery and I barely made it in time to capture his big entrance. Chelsea texted me when she was 10 cms and I was still 20 mins away. I made it in time but as soon as I walked in she was starting to push. About 15 mins later baby Carsyn was born. 

I love to see the parents reaction to their brand new baby. My cheeks hurt by the end of this day from smiling so much. So so sweet. 

 He wasn't really a fan of his first bath but the nurse did a great job of getting him squeaky clean. The room that they bathe the babies in smelled like heaven! So fresh and clean. 

Thank you so much Zach and Chelsea for allowing me to capture the birth of your sweet baby boy. It was such an honor to be there. Enjoy every second with this little guy. They grow up way too fast. 

1 comment:

  1. Zach was in shock. Lol. Thank you so much chels they're amazing!!
