Thursday, February 6, 2014

Evan's Birth Story

I was so excited when I got the phone call from Brandon telling me they were on their way to the hospital. Once Brittney had time to get through some contractions and got her epidural I came to capture the birth of sweet Evan David. 

I can't get over the look on Brittney's mom's face. I'm sure she was having very mixed emotions. You can tell she doesn't want to see her baby in pain but at the same time she is so excited to meet her first grandchild. It was so special that she got to witness the birth.

I can't get over that little hand waving "hi" to the world. Dr. Hailey did so great and was very encouraging.  The nurses were so supportive too.

Brittney did such an amazing job laboring and delivering Evan. You can just tell how proud Brandon is too. He did an awesome job coaching her and counting like a pro. 
Oh Evan I am so excited to watch you grow up. You are so loved already. You came out screaming and made everyone else cry too. You are such a gift from God and we are so happy to welcome you to the world. Happy Birthday little buddy. 
Daddy couldn't wait to get his hands on Evan. 
Brittney's sister had the most priceless reaction ever. They both hugged and were in tears. Sisters have such a special bond. I'm sure she will be an awesome aunt, she couldn't get enough of baby Evan. 
Thank you so so much Brandon and Brittney for letting me share this precious day with you both. I am so happy for you both. You guys are already amazing parents. Can't wait to capture more milestone's in Evan's life. Congrats on your perfect little family.

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